Harmony's Drake to perform at Carnegie Hall

Jaydyn Justice Drake has provided the ultimate definition of what they say on how to get to Carnegie Hall: Practice, practice, practice.

The Harmony Magnet Academy senior has been chosen to perform at Carnegie Hall as part of the Honors Performance Series for high school students. Drake will sing six numbers as part of an ensemble at Carnegie Hall next week.

Drake has loved singing on a stage – any stage – since being old enough to talk. In addition to entertaining family and friends in the living room at home, Drake discovered the world of musical theater at 9, being cast as a napkin in the Barn Theater production of “Beauty and the Beast.” Her mother, Jesika Bowker, who was a volunteer set artist for several of the Barn's later productions, said that after trying every sport, Drake settled on musical theater and found her “tribe” in the local theater community. Her father, Justin Drake, said he's proud of the time and effort his daughter has put in to developing her musical talent and repertoire over the years and the entire family proudly considers themselves a herd of “theater nerds.”

Drake was part of the Barn Theater's Junior Theater Company under the direction of Dr. Mary Shaw for four years. She participated in the Junior Theater Festival in Sacrament for three years and at JTF one year in Houston. She has also participated in the annual children's musicals at the Lindsay Community Theater under the direction of Alli Smith.

Drake developed a love for musical performance as well as the voice and skills to participate at higher levels. Drake credits Cynthia Peralta and Kim Baumgardner for their direction as well as the excellent coaching received from Charles Hickinbotham and Nicholas Walters and Harmony’s Performing Arts instructors. She also credited vocal coach Matt White, a prominent youth vocal coach in Southern California, who she said whose tutelage has expanded the range and breath control that ultimately won her a spot with the Honors Performance Series and a chance to sing at Carnegie Hall in New York City on February 9.

Selection for the Honors Performance Series requires a nomination/recommendation from a music professional. Nominees receive an invitation with a nomination certificate and program and application details. Applicants submit a completed application form, performance biography, and audition recording. Completed applications are reviewed by an expert board of music professionals. Selected musicians are assigned to ensembles based upon voicing/instrumentation requirements.

“I am so fortunate to have a supportive family that suffered through my development stages, 3-year-old me was definitely not easy to listen to!” Drake said. “And you can ask anyone I’ve worked with, volume, has never been an issue.”

Drake will be in New York City from February 6 through 10 and will participate in intensive rehearsals under the direction of renown directors on February 7 and 8 before performing on February 9. She will also stay at the Marriott Marquis in the heart of Times Square and will attend a Broadway Show.

To help with travel costs the family will hold a fundraising pop-up bake sale, which will include freeze-dried candy and art sale from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, February 2 at 2087 W. Nancy, Porterville.

https://www.recorderonline.com/ Source: Porterville Recorder