What is WBL?
Work-Based Learning (WBL) is where students are provided with real-life work experiences. Students can apply academic and technical skills and develop their employability. Work-Based Learning can take place in the classroom or the career sector.
A continuum of work-based learning has been developed for PUSD High School Pathway students. The stages of work-based learning can be described as:
- Learning about work
- Learning through work
- Learning for work
Benefits to Students
Increases student's academic success. Connects knowledge learned in the classroom to the real-world and allows students to explore career options.
Benefits to Schools
Improves student motivation, attendance, and graduation rates. It can also improve the school's relations with the community.
Benefits to Employers
Helps employers reduce their recruitment and training costs. It also helps them hire better prepared employees who understand workplace expectations.
PUSD Pathway's WBL Coordinators
WBL Coordinators provide the link between industry professionals and school sites. They design and implement career and college readiness opportunities for students, help teachers connect with the industry sector in the classroom, and develop and support advisory boards for academy/pathway teams.
Experiences provided by WBL Coordinators might include: workplace tours, guest speakers, job shadowing, virtual apprenticeships, service-learning projects, internships, clinical experiences, and school-based enterprises.