Multimedia & Technology Academy (MTA)
Multimedia & Technology Academy - MTA
Distinguished NAF Academy
Monache High School
Click here to watch this video in Spanish
The Multimedia and Technology Academy is committed to developing competitive leaders in the world of multimedia and technology using linked learning opportunities with local business partners who mentor hands-on projects in multimedia and technology.
- Student Produced News Broadcast - MTV (Monache TV)
- College Visits
- Guest Speakers
- Job Shadowing/Mentorships
- Internships
- Community Projects
MTA Program of Study includes College Prep Courses and the following Career Technical Courses:
- Careers in Multimedia
- Graphic Design I, II, & III
- Video Production I, II
- Advanced Film Production
- Advanced Media Broadcasting
- A-G UC approved core courses
Additional Elective Options:
- Digital Photography
- Foundations in Visual Art and Design
Pathway Lead Teacher: Nate Wallis - Email
Pathway Counselor: Ricardo Madrigal
Advisory Board Chairs: Candace Egan, CSU Fresno, and Alida Verduzco-Silva, City of Porterville
MTA Industry Partners
A Complete List of a Four-Year
Possible Careers:
- Photographer
- Film Editor
- Illustrator
- Movie Director
- Graphic Designer
- And so much more!